About Us
Genesis 1:27
So God created mankind in His own image,
in the image of God He created them;
male and female He created them.
We are an inter-racial husband and wife duo based in the suburbs of Atlanta Georgia. We started 1:27 Clothing in 2018 because we prayed and asked God to break our hearts to what breaks His, and He did.
He pointed us to His Word and He revealed to us so many of the things that we had become numb to, or hard hearted by.
Much like Saul's transformation to Paul on the road to Damascus, the scales had been removed from our eyes. We were no longer bound to conforming to the patterns of this world. From that prayer, our minds were transformed and we began this journey by faith (Romans 12:2). Much like the Zebedee Bros, the direction of our lives was 'expeditiously' changed (Matthew 4:22).
God reminded us of His commandments. He reminded us that He was a jealous God, and that He didn't want to share His creation (Us) with any other false (g)ods. He showed us just how perverted and numb we had allowed ourselves to become by simply not acknowledging or holding fast to His First and Second commandments.
Exodus 20:3-6
3 “You shall have no other gods before me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
In our numbness and naivety, we had a hard time coming to grips with the idea that we were somehow worshiping other (g)ods and idols.
We saw ourselves as Disciples of Jesus Christ. We were raised in the Church. We were active in the Church. We put God first in our marriage. We lead our children to know the Lord. We were "good" God fearing people.
And although we were respectful of other cultures and religions, we were strong and staunch in our own deeply rooted convictions. We didn’t think that we were even close to breaking these commandments.
BUT THEN.. God showed us. And we've been commissioned to show and share what God revealed to us through 1:27 Clothing.

18 Inch Acacia wood
These Beautiful cutting boards can serve as a great gift, and conversation starter. Customize these board with a last name and a date or address.
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15 Inch Acacia wood
These Beautiful charcuterie boards can serve as a great gift, and conversation starter. Customize these board with a last name and a date or address.
*Personalized items cannot be returned*

Personalized Bibles
Personalized engraved Bibles. Add a name and a preformatted engraved message to a Leather soft NIV, NKJV, or CSB Bible.
*Personalized Items cannot be returned*